My most recent challenging learning experience
My most recent challenging learning experience began when I attended Andela cycle 25 bootcamp. I attended bootcamp with high hope that I will be able to leverage my current programming experience to work on the challenges that will be presented. At bootcamp we were presented with a whole lot of new methods and best practice procedures for writing program.
Although I was not able to proceed to week two of bootcamp, it actually set me in motion to start learning and using best practice procedure for my programming challenges. When I returned home from bootcamp I had to build up my ability to work on the challenging that I was not able to implement at bootcamp. Challenges had to work on include test driven development, migrating from ECMAScript 5 to ECMAScript 6, continuous integration, git and GitHub… The challenge is worsen when I could not have access facilities (electricity and internet) to facilitate learning. However, I still have to figure out how to obtain the required resources to facilitate.
By persisting in learning, over the course of time I have improve in my programming skill and can implement most of es6 features in my codes. I am now able to implement some continuous integration features in my programs and have improved my ability to use git and GitHub, also my code are now much cleaner than when I first came to bootcamp.
From “My most recent challenging learning experience”, I have learned that I can achieve whatever I set my heart on learning. And for this coding business, I know the journey is just beginning. I am Aware I have slew of new skills to master on the drive to becoming a world class developer and I am determined to maintain commitment and drive to achieving this objective.